
Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hey look, it’s a blog!

Yup, so I made a blog.  I'm just getting the feel for this; so don't expect any spectacular special effects.  Anyhow, I guess that I should state a few preliminary facts.  I am a guy.  I have a mother, father, brother, and dog with which I live.  I have another brother who is at (US, not European) college.  My father is a bit slow, as is my younger brother.  My mother is not the brightest of bulbs on the tree, but she is rather intelligent.  And finally, my older brother is also not as smart as some of the other people who inhabit this planet, but he is quite judgmental--even though he has high mental capacities.  And of course, in terms of mental capacity--I have a lot.  I am no Steven Hawkings; if I was, I would have used some word other than "a lot". 

(Another) "Anyhow", I am now like 6 hours from being seventeen years old; my birthday is in fact 10-10-93.  Yup, you guessed it; that means that tomorrow, 10-10-10, is my birthday.  It's even the same day of the week as my actual birth date.  My mom told me this morning that I was born a Sunday baby and how that means that I am a blessing.  My internal response was, 'Oh great, she's going to again draw religion into the picture.'  But then I got over it, and I went on.

That exclamation point at the end of the title of this entry should be laced in sarcasm.  Yes, even though sarcasm is the language of the weak, I am going to use it a lot.  So get over it; or else embrace it.  I will probably put up a list of the most influential things that I have stumbled upon in my life so far in the next post that I put up.  And now, I am going to abruptly end this post with a question.  Who here falls into the "I'm not a total jock or cheerleader" club?


  1. MaddyLee you are clever, but not as brilliant as you think. Has anyone ever called you something other than a genius? So some people are not as gifted as you are, but that is when you look for qualities that make that person unique. What are that person's talents and gifts? Since yours is your brain, that is unique to you. No one else will think exactly the same way as you do, but you can find people whose thinking complements the way you think.

    Happy Seventeenth, btw! I bet your party was Bossome, not that I would know. ;) I do not fall in the "I'm a total jock or cheerleader" club if you were wondering. I don't classify people into clubs.

  2. I know. I didn't want to end the post with nothing more than a howdie-do. So I asked an entirely off-base question that really has no intrinsic value to me and is actually meant more as a rhetorical device. Thanks for the happy-wish; weren't you at the party... I coulda sworn you were <.<
    Oh well, yeah, yeah. I'm trying to act as sophisticated-ly arrogant and clever as possible. I need some people to favorite me.

  3. Hi Maddy. Popped over from Nerstes blog. Hope you don't mind. Loved yer intro. Smart, sarcastic, and arrogant. Brilliant mix. ^_^

    Belated happy BD from me, too. 10th 10th, huh? I knew somebody with that BD. So, thanks for a shitload of bad memories. :P

    Get to know me and you tell me what club I belong to? (And I do classify peeps into groups. I'm a big friend of the "there are two kinds of people" approach.)
