
Thursday, January 20, 2011

You're such a Narcissist

So facebook says i'm a sexy nerd.  ;)

I wish that i could meet myself in another person.  I have often felt that either i am super immature or rather overly mature.  Though that is a relative term.  So whatsywhosits won't especially be useful in relating personality.  I think that i started this blog to get out my personality and have people adulate it.  Now is that not almost entirely naricissistic?  I suppose the justifiers would say it is a cry from someone who has always been praised for his intelligence and now wants to be praised for his uniqueness.  Then others would say that it is in fact super duper narcissistic.  Then others will say, Oh i know, you are so interesting.  tell me more about life.  Then others will glance and be like Meh...  And still others will think wat a dumbass.  Some will say that i dont appreciate what i have.  Others will try to prove that they are better than me and some will actually adulate me.  Me, im gonna just keep going.  Stupid, i know.

The reason that we don't just straight up work our whole lives anymore is because we dont have to.  There is welfare, soup kitchens, and sympathetic people who want to feel like they have helped someone.  You can almost always find food in three days.  And water is easy enough.  Go to a store and ask for some water.  Go to walmart and ask for a water fountain.  go to a hospital.  everywhere has water.  The only thing you actually have to worry about is if you are not going to "just get by".  The people who worry about jobs are worried about money.  They are selfishly trying to accumulate it.  and thats not a bad thing because money usually means comfort.  but it is no longer essential.  (This is all relative to my location in  the US).

So what is necessary?  People tend to think that it is happiness.  You live to be happy.  You have to have someone with which to share that happiness too.  And god knows that you need a legacy; so you have to procreate, or at least adopt.  Then once you have food, family, friends, money; you look for a way to make it better--whether referring to your own situation or that of the world.  That's when you get into humanitarianism.

But the only part of that that i want is someone to talk to and a bit of comfort.  So, i will work for money, and i will look out for that unique soul that can challenge me and lead me to new levels of intrigue.  And that will be my life.  I will not make a big difference.  I can't unless i want a result that will ultimately be disappointing (not important enough to matter, to have taken up my life).  So Nerstes, maybe unlife is the answer.  Maybe ununlife is the answer.  Maybe it is actually life, and i have just over-considered it.  But in the general scheme of things, our lives will be almost gone within the next century.  Just a memory that will doubtless become less and less sincere as the generations progress until the only record of us is objective or from a source that does not have any bearing to us.  And finally, our life and legacy has no bearing.  Sure, you could develop a cure for cancer and people would adulate you, but the only reason people want a cure is to find some sort of hurdle-leap over the idea of mortality and to spend that extra time with people.

If you care about life, I'm sorry if i've offended.  But think about it, if this is all you have, then you have almost nothing.  And if there is something more, then this is just a big old joke of meaningless suffering. Ok maybe not suffering; some would call it living/being happy.

All life originates from selfishness.  We want companions.  We want to help.  We want to improve.  We want to live and let live.  We want to look like we are good.  We want to look like we are bad.  That's the trouble with emotion and decision.  We want to be happy.  We want others to be happy so we can see how it's done.  We want to do anything for others to assuage the idea that we have failed.  We want.  And we take.  And we hold.  And we do all these meaningless little things that are not going to matter.  The very idea of eternity begs an ending.  But there isn't one?


  1. Money is no longer essential? Sir, I am pretty sure we are economically fucked up. People are losing theirs homes, their cars, and other necessities it takes to live in the country. Most people are trying to accumulate the dough aren't necessarily doing it for selfish reasons, they are doing to keep their family safe and secure.

    I wouldn't say that money is no longer essential. :P

    but if we were all well to do and shit, then I think all we need is fuckin love, bro. Even if it doesn't matter in the future, who cares? Live in the moment now.

    This all kinda reminds me of Leo Tolstoy's "A Confession". Check it out. He's a douche.

  2. Nothing wrong with a bit of narcissism. In some way we are all here to get some affirmation, to break out of whatever it is that keeps us alone. You have to start by loving yourself. Then you find other people to love you and you love them back. And all that shit.

    Straight people have these decisions made for them. You're going to have a family, dependents, responsibilities, so have to get on the tread mill. Good school, good college, good wife, good job, good house... We've got to make those decsions for ourselves.

    You are right. Ultimatley the only reason you keep getting up in the morning and going to work is that bit of comfort it pays for. But you've got 30 or 40 years of it, you better find something you like doing. Cos life on welfare is not an option. Believe me on that. Poverty is shit.

  3. x!,
    I was just saying that you can still live without a job. Like, it IS possible. And i understand your sentiments. This was just an analysis of the bare ideas of needs in this society and which of those make sense to me. Yeah, the economy is fucked up.

    I REALLY need to read Tolstoy. Gaalee, ive only ever read one Russian author. What is wrong with me? ;)

  4. Billy,
    I hope i dont offend you, but i was thinking of you and micky abit when i spoke of the "justifiers". (Nothing wrong with that though. I would probably be on myself.)

    I know that poverty is shit, but again I'm just talking about the idea of bare needs. You're right--i do have a long time of it. And so i suppose that i should find something to overly like. But remember that i am a teenager, still in school, and in an imperfect world. So i will definitely try, but i probly wont get wat i want. It is worth a try, i suppose.

  5. Hahaha, a "justifier" - that probably sums me up! Of course I'm not offended. I love reading your posts expessing that existential angst about who you are and where you're going. It's refreshing for me, as I'm stuck in the practicalities and pragmatics of the daily grind.

    An intelligent rejection of materialism and the competitive scramble up the hierachy is a great thing to see in someone where you are in life. Just don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.
