
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Yo look at this update

I listened to the lyrics of a song today (5 Years Time by Noah and the Whale), and they kind of spoke to me.  They reminded me of a girl I know (named Ashley) who probably represents a lot of my friends from high school. 
In five years time I might not know you
In five years time we might not speak
In five years time we might not get along
In five years time you might just prove me wrong

Oh there'll be love love love
Wherever you go
There'll be love
I know it's supposed to have a hipster love song feel, but it made me think of how I steadily and surely do not know people.  We are everchanging, and because I do not go to college with my old friends, we are drifting apart.  The last part made me think of Ashley because right after it, a Florence + the Machine song came on--which is basically her jam.

These days, I would normally post this kind of consideration on my tumblr, but I felt like giving you all an update, sort of.  I somehow still get pageviews every day on this blogger page.

Anyway, I'm doing fine, growing older as time goes by.  I'm a sophomore in college now, and my overall GPA is like a 3.7; so I guess we could say I'm doing fine in my profession as a student.  I've made friends at my university, and I've kept in good contact with some friends from high school. I'm working on getting a summer internship so that I can get another internship next year (for the summer of my junior year) so that I can build my career experience as a chemical engineer.  Once I finish college, I hope to use said internship experience(s) to get a decent job and proceed with my life as an adult who does adult things like die slowly. 

I'm still a weak-willed, sarcastic man-child with a strong sense of self-deprecation and silliness, and I have no major goals besides living life to some extent.  As long as I'm alive and enjoying some things, I am successful.  Another year has come and gone, and I'm still here.