
Saturday, April 6, 2013

Imma makin' me a list

of shit to be done.  This is so that I know all the things I gotta do in the next week or two.

Physics test tuesday. (9) Ch. 29-32

Comp. Sci. test Wednesday. (10) Sections 2.6-2.7

Chem lab + quiz Friday. (12) Everything from the beginning of Chem lab

Orgo test next Monday. (15) Ch. 21-23

FAFSA, CSS, all that financial aid shit DUE next Monday. (15)

Comp. Sci. project due next Tuesday. (16) Has not taught it yet

Physics lab quiz either Wednesday or next Wednesday. (10) or (17) SEVERAL labs

Ok, not as bad as I thought--especially since I'm most of the way through the comp. sci. project already.  Yay for Saturday night homeworking.  The only bad part is that I pretty much have to boss all three of these tests out of the water.  Shouldn't be too hard though.  At least Diff. eq. is basically over with for this month.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it's coming down to crunch time at the end of the semester, and every prof thinks their class is the ONLY class! Keep hard at it, Maddy! Do yourself proud.

    Peace <3
