
Thursday, February 14, 2013

So, an update or two.

Since starting college, I have become a bit reclusive in many ways.  I've become a social media expert, approximately, but I kind of fail at making friends otherwise.  I'm getting better, though--little by little. 

I have gone through tons of anime and manga in this past semester and a quarter.  I am currently caught up on Naruto, Bleach, Fairytail, and Hunter x Hunter (which is really good and would be awesome if it wasnt on semi-permanent hiatus).  I am ALMOST caught up on One Piece; I spent the last 2-3 weeks marathoning through the anime/skimming the boring parts of the manga. I got through probably 150 episodes in 2-3 weeks; what is my life?  At some point, I need to tackle Fullmetal Alchemist and actually make it through Stein's Gate instead of flaking after the first episode. 

Naruto is 621 chapters so far, Bleach 529, Fairytail 321, HunterxHunter stuck at 340 with a couple extra side chapters for a movie that came out recently in Japan. Bakuman was 176 chapters, Death Note 109, M.A.R. 161.  One Piece is 699 chapters (I'm at 610 currently).  Each of these chapters is going to be at least 15 pages, probably more like 20.  So lets do some math.  Let's say each chapter is 18 pages long; with Naruto alone, I have made it through approximately 11,178 pages of manga.  Adding all of the others together, 621 + 529 + 321 + 342 + 176 + 109 + 161 + 610 = 2,869 chapters of manga.  So, 2,869 chapters x 18 pages/chapter = 51,642 pages of manga.  What is my life?  Granted, I did not read through all of bleach or all of One Piece (I watched big portions of them), but still, that's a ton of manga.

I haven't let my academic life fall off a cliff, either.  I had about a 3.8 GPA last semester, and I made all As on the first round of tests for this semester.


  1. I think you will find your way on the social fronts. As soon as you meet someone who loves manga as much as you do, you're home free!

    That's a GREAT GPA!!! Obviously, no matter how much anime and manga you go through, you've got your priorities right. And congrats on the A's so far! A great start for the semester. (Please remind me what you're majoring in!)

    Peace <3

    1. I am in Chemical Engineering. It's mostly introduction stuff at this point, though.

      And I inadvertently lied about the all A's thing. I made three As and a B that was just put into the online gradebook. But I'm still pretty satisfied with it.

      And I have been making friends; it's just tough to find good friends. Thanks for keeping up with me; I really appreciate it.

    2. Your "lie" is excused. I know I anticipated grades when I was in school. No harm, no foul, and a 3.7GPA is nothing to sneeze at!

      It is tough to find good friends. Believe me, been there, done that, got the scars. But as long as you try, you'll keep building them up.

      I'm happy to stick around. You seem like a nice guy, and I definitely like making new friends, even virtual ones. If you ever want to chat, sometimes I manage to sign into MSN as, most times I'm on googlechat as

      Peace <3

  2. :-( im probably just really impatient, but i dont seem to have the patience for anime or manga. With the exception of a couple. Good job on your grades. Keep it up.

    1. So um, Hunter x Hunter is incredible. The 2011 anime reboot is really fast-paced, so if your impatience is with speed, try it. Anime of the big names (Naruto, One Piece, Bleach, Fairy Tail) are all going to be really slow pace with lots of filler; don't judge anime by them.

      For other intro anime, Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann are all awesome. These three are about 25 episodes each.

      And once you get a little further in, Fooly Cooly (Furi Kuri) is essentially the best anime out there, even though it's only 6 episodes total.

  3. I adore bleach and am working my way thru the anime series. I used to watch it on Cartoon Network, but I missed a bunch and im sorta, kinda, well totally anal about watching stuff in order. Death Note was killer good, I've read that series several times. Fullmetal makes me very sad, some of the anime episodes have made me cry, so I havent watched much of it. Have you read Ikigami? It has a very interesting premise. I also loved Old Boy, the Japanese version. Ooku, Afterschool Nightmare, Akumetsu are all favorites of mine.

    Great going on the killer scores!

    1. I watched Bleach up until the dubs ran out. Then I switched to the manga, and now I read it along with Naruto and One Piece when it updates on Wednesdays.

      I haven't heard of any of the titles you said after Fullmetal, but I'll definitely put them in my queue. I'm on Yu Yu Hakusho right now and will move to Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood after that because I've heard awesome things about it.

      If you want recommendations, see my comment reply to empty_spaces. I can't stress enough just how good Hunter x Hunter is.
