
Friday, March 22, 2013


Hey.  I had an excessively frustrating day today.  Three main lows:  starting at little sleep because I was studying most of the night, losing many more points on the subsequent test than I meant to, and spending 4 hours in orgo lab only to realize I trashed my organic layer instead of my aqueous one.  On my way home, I tried to sing a couple words from "Have You Ever Seen the Rain" by CCR and I couldn't because the tears choked me up as thoughts of my mother reeled through my head.  but it's not all bad.  If today was any day other than Friday, I would be supremely upset, though.

I miss my friends.  I miss my family. 

Oh and hey, I got a tumblr.  If you're interested, leave a message.

k bye


  1. Don't you hate sleep deprivation, it destroys your higher functioning. My resolution for this year is to get enough sleep. Oh and what's your tumblr?

  2. I hate not getting enough sleep, and I seldom do. It sucks. I honestly think that studying less and sleeping more is the better route, ya know? I hope you can redo the lab, but I'm not real good with that particular subject, so I don't know. Anyway, hope things start looking up as you get some rest this weekend!

    Peace <3

    1. The lab isn't a problem. It's a three-week lab, and I think they designated this coming week as basically a make-up day since all we're really supposed to do is take a couple melting points (which takes like 10 minutes). It's just really annoying to have done 4 hours worth of work for nothing and to have to redo all of that work. But I guess that's life.

    2. Yeah, four hours is a stretch! But I've blown physics labs, and bio labs so I know, it's a bit disheartening. However, 4 hours of wasted time isn't really wasted - now you know how not to do it, so there is an upside!

      Have a good day, Maddy! I've got a snow day, so I'm loving sleeping late, and being able to just chill after a really long, cool weekend.

  3. I hope the rest of your week gets better for you. Not getting enough sleep can do weird things to you. 4 hours - that would be so annoying. But chalk it down to a learning experience, now you'll be extra aware and not make the same mistakes again. Chin up :-) things will get better.

    Can i see your tumblr too? :-)

    1. Well I was going to try to keep it completely separate from this blog, but I can't find an email address for you anywhere. So the url is

  4. sorry it's been bad :( what's your tumblr?

    1. check your email. or read my reply to empty_spaces, whichever you prefer.
