
Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sore throat, Bad score, Space Jam

Somewhat self-explanatory.

My throat hurts.  Supplemental to that is the fact that my nose is running, and I can't think very well.

We took the ACT a while back.  And I didn't get to finish two of the sections because I paced myself incorrectly.  So...  I got a 32 out of 36--which, admittedly, is pretty good.  But, I wanted a higher score.  If I had finished, I probably would have gotten a 34 or something.  Anyway, I guess that's why the tests are timed--and timed so that people have to answer on a dot.  Snap snap snap.

Anyway, I also watched Space Jam the other day.  It reminded me of when I was a little kid.  I would go to my grandfather's house with my brother.  We would watch Bulls games (basketball), old westerns, and 90s cartoons.  It was a great time.  Sometimes, we would go to McDonald's and eat food.  Usually a Big Mac.  Sometimes a whopper from Burger King.  Either way, it was fun.

Something else about when I was a kid, I was religious.  Yep, I thought that when we prayed, a visage of God would appear in the room to make sure all heads were bowed.  I knew how I was supposed to act.  I knew it, and I knew it well.  I was a very "good" child.  I always followed the rules, and if I didn't--punishment.  In third grade, I cheated on a spelling test, did something else bad, and was "caught" play-fighting on the playground.  The one I remember most is the cheating one.  I got caught because some goody two-shoes told on me after I boasted about my devilry.  Then the teacher called my mom and had a conference about it, and I was so ashamed.  Anyway, this was the first time in my school career that I had gotten into any trouble, and I hated that teacher because of it.  And then...  she died.  Of cancer.  And, I still don't know how to feel about that.  We only had her as our teacher for like 5 weeks; so none of us were terribly attached to her.  But it was even less for me because I didn't like her.  I mean, it's ironic now.  You would think that she, being the righteous punisher would be rewarded.  But no, I--the sinning third grader--was given a second chance for the year. 

Anyway, that's all for today (This was one of the posts that got edited AC).  I have to do some homework.  So ciao.


  1. Cheating is OK if everyone does it - otherwise it takes advantage of others.

    Wanking is something everyone does (those who won't admit it are just liars). The body produces urine and shit so we arrange to excrete them. If we get a snotty nose the same applies. When we reach puberty our bodies start producing stuff to let us have sex. If we don't get rid of it then it will simply leak out but we're most likely to feel amazingly frustrated and may then do something stupid or actually be nasty to someone else because we have too much spunk.

    I was brought up to believe in my mother's religion. As a young man I began questioning things - like 'masturbation is wrong' like 'Mary was a virgin' (sorry?????) - like 'being gay is unnatural and wrong.

    So religious belief and I parted company and now, of course, a deal of gay rights efforts in the US and many other countries is about fighting the damage and lies which some (and it is only some) church people try to propagate. There are lots of reason to hate certain church organisations in this world - being gay is just one of them.

  2. From the little I know about the ACT, 32/36 warrants congratulations!

    It's one of those idiosyncrasies of human nature that we blame ourselves for things that our rational brain tells us we had no effect on. So you'll feel slightly bad about that teacher for the rest of your life, simply because you thought bad thoughts about her. Now what did yoy say your special power was, again?

    Putting the fear of god into little kids to regulate them morally is such a cop out when you are trying to teach them right from wrong. I am so glad I rejected god the first timne there was any conflict between him and what I was. What led you to reject all the god silliness?

  3. Fuck God. Masturbation is cool. Is an eternity in hell worth self pleasure? YES. Besides, masturbation avoids rapes and unwanted preggernancy. I am pretty sure (and hope) that an almighty God has bigger things to judge about us than whether we touch ourselves or not.

  4. Well, I think it happened two years ago (the second half of freshman year). I'm not sure what exactly prompted the change. I don't really know. I think it was just gradual until one day, "I don't believe in the Bible, in God, in Christian mumbo-jumbo." I really can't remember.

    Um, did I say I have a special power? If I didn't, it's probably being way awesome. Duh.

    And yeah, it's fun.

  5. They say that there are no atheists in a fox hole.
    Possibly. However, I am no longer in a fox hole.
    If it doesn't make sense, and can only be explained with magic, then it is unlikely to be true.
    Congratulations on a very good score. Perfection is hard to maintain: be happy G =]

  6. One.. You made a 32 instead of a 36, all will be fine! Do not stress! My highest ACT score is a 31, but last time I took it, I made a 28. It happens. It's just one test, life will go on, and any college will accept you, kiddo.
    Two. I think it's rather amusing in a morbid/ grotesque way that your teacher died after snitching on you. That right there is poetic justice. (As terrible as that may be, it had to be said!)
    Three. Masturbation isn't a sin, but it just increases the one's feelings of being lonely. After all, religion holds very little ground in the grand scheme of things. So beat on, soldier. All will be fine and merry.

  7. LOL MICKY. We just took a multiple choice reading test about language change. And they cited how Australians and Brits use -ise or -isation while americans use -ize or -ization. And so i was going to correct you on how you spell organisation, but now it's just a lol. sorry. :)
