
Monday, November 1, 2010

Literary twins and brothers

Holden Caufield definitely.  We were to read this over the summer, and some people in my class said that they did not understand Holden at all.  I was like, wtf is wrong with you?  (Catcher in the Rye- J.D. Salinger)

Bazarov, Yevgeny Vasilyevich is second place.  I am at heart a bit of a nihilist. (Fathers and Sons- Turgenev)

Donnie Darko comes in third only because he is only characterized in a certain light in the movie.  And as well, he is different from me to at least a certain degree. (Donnie Darko: Director's Cut)

Prometheus- If I were in the Great "We" society, I would like to think that I would be the one to bring fire back to man.  (Anthem- Ayn Rand)

Wiley- If you have yet to read "Pictures of You", I implore you to read it in so far as it has gone.  Patrick is a bit more fiercely angry/sour than I am, but he's just about right.  Wiley is probably the better fit for me, though.   In fact, Wiley only comes in fifth because this is not literature or a movie, but it seems to be as good as literature to me. ("Pictures of You"- no idea the author's name, but great nonetheless)

I did not relate to ANYBODY in The Scarlet Letter or Wuthering Heights.  They were the crappiest wastes of my time that I have ever read.  (On a side note: Did nobody like my taste in music [EDIT: other than Pink Floyd]?  At least enjoy fun.  They are a good band with good lyrics, sound, and vocals.)


  1. I did (comment on the music).

  2. I meant the music other than Pink Floyd... The music on the post titled: Music. >.>

  3. Radiohead.Definitely!They address the sense of alienation perfectly.

    And i like Jeff Buckley too.I'll agree bout Holden Caulfield even tho he's much more relaxed and "cool" to be my twin, but there are similarities, esp. the obsession with "fakes" haha and his cynical/romantic view of things - oh and the way he thought everyone sucked one way or the other,yep, that's me.

  4. I'm SOOO glad I'm not the only one who likes catcher in the rye. I totally got Holden, and I had the same reaction as you. When everyone else hated the book I thought they were insane.
