
Friday, March 18, 2011

So I found that post that I worked on for a while.  It wasn't great, but it was decent.  Here ya go:

Sufjan Stevens is a winner.  His Illinois album is great.  That's not why I'm here though.

School is kicking my ass.  Because I still have perfectionist ideas, and I am prone to the whims of the men in educator uniforms.  But that's not why I'm here.

I have had more pageviews in the past 12 days than the best of my months so far.  That's not why I'm here.

I delude myself that about 5 internet people that I don't even know are going to give me some sort of awesome network of older gay friends, and we're going to form the League of Homocites.  And it will all be daisies and Red Rover.  Is that why I'm here?

I'm not rebelling.  I'm hardly questioning.  I'm not stabbing.  I'm taking.  But I do give for my products.  I have a dog to my family's name.  I have a computer to my father's name.  I have a house to my parents' name.  I have my virginity.  Is that something?  I haven't had my first kiss.  I hung out with 10 girls tonight, and I felt awkward.  My "best" friend and I have hardly hung out at all in the past month.  I spend less time sleeping than I should.  I spend more time eating than I might should.  I spend more time studying than about 90% of my school.  I spend my time reading things that are completely relevant to philosophy but not to anything else.  i spend my time reading things that are relevant to life but not to thinking.  I spend my time reading porn--I read something with French in it the other day, and I was really happy about that.  I eat chicken, pork, and ground beef.  But I do not eat steak or fish--if I can help it.  I love bread.  I like fruit.  I don't especially like vegetables.

I figure out that my friends are no longer dating 2 months after the breakup and only learn that they are dating someone 5 months after they started.
 I had more to add, but I don't feel like continuing it.  I was just going to ramble until i got angry about the post and ended it abruptly.  (Abruptness is a social comment)

1 comment:

  1. Hypothesis:

    While there are many sorts, conditions and ages of bloggers around the world there are predominantly two sorts of gay bloggers in our bit of this solar system.

    Type One are guys under 25 y/o (the youngest so far I've seen said he was 13). Most (but not all) of this group blog because others do or because they're gay and unsure for a variety of reasons what to do about that.

    Type Two guys are generally 40-something upwards and have mostly 'been there' but not necessarily done most of it nor have many got the T shirt - and that's why many such probably blog.

    But, of course, not all of us fit into either of those categories, do we?

    Interesting list of stuff about you - but I'd just say that you've probably simply not had steak cooked to your liking and that there are many sorts of fish in the sea and in the rivers so please don't be put off trying different sorts coz in the UK we're advised to eat fish TWICE A WEEK because of the stuff it generally contains which we are not getting so easily from other sources.

    But, oh yes, the problem with school for me was never the stuff we were supposed to be learning (apart from Latin and that was just plain stupid) but the morons who comprised most of the masters (it was single gender pupils and staff btw).

    I could say more about other stuff you've written but I'd better stop somewhere!
