
Sunday, July 17, 2011

To Billy

Billy, Thank you for all your comments. Thanks to everyone for all your comments. I love getting comments. I do not know if you all look at my responses, but generally, they wrap up what I was trying to say. The last comment you made, Billy, caught my eye. You said that "life does get better".

And I just wanted to say in response to this that I understand that statement. I am sorry if my posts seem angry or depressed or whatever the hell you want to call it. You want happiness, go to a birthday party or the beach or some other such place of joy. I tend to be morbid and critical of my situation. I try not to be, but the point of this blog is for me to have a sort of vent. I can say just about whatever the hell I want to say on here. So it is my place to rant, to jive with the gremlins, and to let off steam.

Perhaps you all getting tired of this, my blog genre. I might make a post here in a bit where I dance in the rainbows of happiness. I'll try. But on to the madness.

We really live in a calm world. It's not truly mad. Just prone to chaos.


  1. But of course the comments we leave are going to be based on what you have written in your post.

    Therefore is you write a 'venting' post you're going to get comments which talk about that.

    If you want to get cheerful and encouraging and interesting comments then you need to try to write . . .

    You see? You get what you ask for !

    Can't think that you really want to be a manic depressive.

  2. I like commenting on your posts because I like what you write. That post felt like a spontaneous purging of the emotions you were feeling at that moment, and that was its power. So I can give my take on the contradictions of your time of life and it's nice to know that someone kind of gets it, and doesn't just think I'm weird (which I am, but...).

    Keep writing what you feel. Often our most powerful insights have their roots in our venting. Let it out and articulate your anger and morbidity, it's not like it's going to turn you into a wrist-slashing emo or anything.
