
Friday, December 31, 2010


I've been out of town since the day after Christmas.  I want to say something profound, but I don't know if I can.  The closest thing I can think of is: "There is no such thing as 100%"

Have you all heard of the Mormon idea of afterlife?  Supposedly, there are differing levels of "glory"--not just heaven or hell.  That makes more sense.  The LDS magicians say that the challenge of life is one that we took when we were all back on the other side of the veil.  So, we are to be judged in the end based on the totality of our lives.  That makes sense too.  But then, even if you take that at face value and embrace it, you are still a "child" or a "pawn".  You are not the center of the crowd, and you are not the one outside of the crowd.  If you are in the crowd, what do you have to look forward to?  You have those nice old ladies, the "brother, I'm there for you", and... satisfaction?.

Hmm...  I don't really think that I'm being arrogant.  I think I'm being a bit of true to character.  I don't like the crowds; I've always been a loner.  Maybe because of being disappointed often, maybe because of a romantic flare.  I just want to rebel, you know.  Be a nonconformist.  I get claustrophobic when I think of all those silly people.  BTW, my new favorite words are "silly", "gubernator", and "whatnot".  Btw as well, I am terribly bored.  Everything just seems so silly.  I want to be the gubernator of my own ship--run by tons of versions of me.  I want to be Jack Sparrow.  And perform acts of whatnot.  What is Pirates 4 going to be about anyway?


  1. Oh! To be Jack Sparrow...or more exact to be Johnny Depp! Sigh and drool.
    I didn't know they were even making Pirates 4! Yippee!! You have made my night to be sure. Mega thanks!

    Have a merry new year!

  2. Hahaha, that post expresses your mood beautifully.

    Anyway, gauisus novus annus.

  3. You're welcome, Biki. And a Happy New Year to you too.

    Thanks, Billy. Mazeltov.
