
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Sterner Stuff

Be stoic and you'll be fine.  That is all.

jk.  so, news. I broke my finger recently working on a catapult for school.  It's somewhat complex.  So don't ask exactly how.  But yeah, buddy tape and a splint-type-thing.  Fun fun fun fun.  I'm basically typing with my right hand and left index and pinky, which is somewhat annoying. I actually spent an hour today pretending that my whole arm did not work (it was an interesting experience).

And now, a list of things that are significantly difficult with only the use of one hand.
  1. Showering
  2. Eating things and opening plastic bags.
  3. Putting on a backpack
  4. Opening doors
  5. Playing frisbee
  6. Playing video games
  7. Rolling up shirt sleeves
Someone in a recent blog post criticized the song Come On Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners.  I do not understand this. I consider it a perfectly good song.  And something that I noticed is that the song never comes on the radio where I live.  Maybe that's why I actually like the song: it hasn't been drilled into my head in the overt manner of radio stations.

Anywho, I come bearing good news.  And TERRIBLE NEWS.

The good: Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros

And the terrible:

They're threatening the accessibility of the internet! We can't let this go on.  Vote down the bills, congress.  If you take away internet music, I might just die.  Like, no joke.

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