
Thursday, June 2, 2011

When all goes to hell

Concession was a good comic.  I looked up to Immelmann for a while.  I'm abit apathetic about Immelmann now--Concession still elicits good thoughts.

For the past few weeks, I just have not cared about posting.  I truly have nothing to say--well nothing that is worth saying and that I can articulate well.  The French word for nothing is "rien".  The latin for it is "nihil".  The French use "of nothing" (de rien) for "you're welcome" (or at least that's what my French teacher told me).

Perhaps I have not cared about posting because I have had nothing to care about lately.  In general, there has been nothing worth lamenting lately--at least, that's how it is in my little neck of the woods.  Or at least, my life has been going so well that it has drowned out the bad.

Something is growing on me, though.  That same loneliness.  AC, BB, and a few others have been greatly awesome the past couple weeks, but I want more (not with them; they're fine as is).  No, I want a man skilled at pleasing.  A scientist worthy of my efforts.  A philosopher to teach me.  A compatriot to enjoy.  A third willing to threesome with me and my nonexistant numero uno.  LOOOOOOL.

Something else is now growing on me.  Why is life good?  I had been assuming that this was a true statement.  But now,  I realize that I was just making the most of the situation.  My life could be so much more.  LOL.  (btw, lol is not el oh el.  It is loll.  Like troll with an L at the beginning instead of tr.)


I don't care.

1 comment:

  1. High school is like a fishbowl. There's a whole world out there. You can see it, distorted through the glass, but all you can do is swim around in circles, trapped. How long now? One more year? Then you get the chance to decide which part of the pond you swim in.
